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The Settlers

Author: Mette Buchreitz

The first part of this game
can be used in the kindergarden (cutting, gluing trees
and with some help
counting and dividing them
by groups of 10). 
I use this game in all my classes. In the 4th an 5th classes,
I sometimes let kids draw
for example
"at least
5 trees with green apples,
10 trees with yellow apples,
and 15 trees with red apples.
The rest as they like".
You may add
something else to draw
(animals of the farm, flowers etc.), it's up to you - and to the class.

You need:

A large, green piece of paper
for each Family. 
Divide the paper into
as many fields
as the Family-groups
(or you can give each Family
a piece of green paper).
Haven't got green paper?
Let the children colour
their field themselves.

Repeat colours and numbers.
 Count the trees.
Teach cardinal numbers
as well as ordinal numbers.
Teach the new colours
of the medals.

In the classroom.

About 45 minutes.


Give the groups for example
15 minutes to "plant" trees,
and then let each group count
the trees in their field
to find out who has planted most!


Stick the "fields" on the wall.
During the school year,
you may add
the animals of the farm,
flowers (and colours),
the family, a house etc.
as you teach the new words.


What to do:

Divide the children into groups of 4-5-6.
Let them choose a family-name.
Hand out paper and what else they may need.
Divide the large, green piece of paper into as many squares as the groups of children, or give each group a piece of green paper.

Let the children find a family name, so they can prepare a gate for their farm.

Every group represent a SETTLER and HIS FAMILY.

They are asked to "plant" 50 apple trees,
that means they have to draw, cut and glue them
on their piece of  land!
When all the groups are ready, you say:
"Ready, steady, GO!" and...

The winner-family is the one who finishes first to plant the 50 trees!

If you want to make the game easier and quicker, and if you have the possibility to make photocopies, you can hand out the trees, asking just to add apples and colours.

Of course, the Winner Family gets a CUP (1) (2) or a DIPLOMA and each member of the family gets a GOLDEN MEDAL (BW) (Coloured).

The second Family gets the SILVER MEDAL (BW) (Coloured) and the third Family the BRONZE MEDAL (BW) (Coloured)
Give a medal also to the other groups (BW) (Coloured).

I usually have a little "poster" on the wall.
I make it in this way:
draw a podium and colour it,
or cut it out of coloured paper,
put it in a plastic envelope.
Stick it on the wall, and let the "winners"
put their names/medals/cups on the podium.
As you've covered your podium with plastic,
you may let the children stick their names on
with Blue Tack or tape,
so it's possible to use it again and again.
Anyway, in this way they have in front of them
not only the proud winners,
but - more important - the numbers "1st, 2nd, 3rd"!


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