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Johnny Appleseed's Day

September 26th

An apple a day,     
keeps the doctor away!

In the United States of America every day, every week, every month and every year is dedicated somebody or something. 
I think that it is a nice idea, and when it suits my teaching, I try to bring the subjects into the classroom in a catchy way.

During the last years, I used to begin the new school-year telling my students of all levels (1st to 5th classes in the primary school) about Johnny Appleseed, and I'm happy to see how this person and his life strikes the kids.

Introducing Johnny Appleseed it is not only a way of telling the story of this man and what he did during his life, but it's also a nice a way of introducing new words of "autumn", with every possible connection to nature, and it's a good way to talk with the children about pilgrims and settlers in America, about their life and their struggle.
It is easy to organize other kinds of activities, such as games or crafts with the children of all levels.
I use some of the "Apple-poems" as  "warmers" or as a "5-minutes-relax activity" during the rest of the school-year.

Who, what, when, where, why, how...

Facts: Johnny Appleseed
Purpose: Use the story of  Johnny Appleseed to introduce a map of the United States, for example colouring the States with different colours or drawing appletrees in each State, where Johnny travelled.
Objectives: Teach/write the names of the States where Johnny Appleseed travelled on the map.
Find the places where he was born and where he died (Leominster, Massachusetts and Fort Wayne, Indiana) on the map.
Let the pupils say the names of the places they know in the United States and label. 
Level: From kindergarden to high school - depends on the way you present the items.
When: 26th September is Johnny Appleseed's Day, but it's up to you - and to your time-table!
Time: From 5 minutes for the short "story" to several lessons. 
Where: In the classroom.
You need: A big wall map of the United States.
A map of the United States in black and white for each pupil.
Labels/apple stickers.
Crayons/other kinds of colours.
Paper, paintbrushes, glue, scissors etc.
And fantasy!
Computer activities: It could be a good idea to try to let younger children draw apple trees with the mouse. It seems easy, but...
The elder may draw and write the names of the apples or the new words.
If you have the possibility to use Internet, let the children have a look at some homepages about Johhny Appleseed.
Games: Settlers
Bobbing for Apples
Autumn activities Autumn
Poems: A Little Red Apple
Apple On A Stick
Five Red Apples
Songs: Picking Apples

Johnny Appleseed Song
The Apple Tree (1)
The Apple Tree (2)

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Data di composizione di questa  pagina: 23 settembre 2002.

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