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Away in the Manger

Tune: Away in the Manger


Away in the manger, 
No crib for a bed. 
The little Lord Jesus 
Laid down his sweet head. 

The stars in the bright sky 
Look down where he lay, 
The little Lord Jesus, 
Asleep on the hay. 

The cattle are lowing, 
The poor baby wakes, 
But little Lord Jesus, 
No crying he makes. 

I love thee, Lord Jesus, 
Look down from the sky. 
And stay by my cradle 
Till morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus, 
I ask thee to stay 
Close by me forever, 
And love me, I pray.

Bless all the dear children 
In thy tender care, 
And fit us for heaven 
To live with thee there.

Data di composizione di questa  pagina: 2 dicembre 2003

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