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1. Do you remember how many reindeer pull Santa Claus' sleigh? a) 6 b) 12 c) 8
2. Why are there stockings hung by the fire? a) as a decoration b) to receive presents from Santa Claus c) to keep the children's feet warm
3. What is "a long winter's nap"? a) hibernation b) sleep for the night c) a 30 minute rest
4. Why does the author get out of bed? a) to get something to eat b) to see what the noise outside is c) to wake the children
5. Why is there so much light outside?
a) the reflection of the moon on the snow b) the street lamps c) it is mid-day
6. Do you know which animals transport Santa and the sleigh? a) horses b) dogs c) reindeer
7. How do they transport Santa Claus and the sleigh?
a) they fly b) they pull the sleigh on the snow c) the sleigh is motor driven
8. What does Santa have in his bag?
a) toys for the children b) food c) coal
9. What kind of a figure does Santa have? a) slim b) muscle man c) fat
10. Is Santa a smoker? a) yes b) no c) I don't remember
11. Does Santa say something to the author? What? a) he wants to know how the author is b) he wants to know about the children c) nothing
12. Does he tell the author not to worry? How? a) with a wink of his eye b) he gives the thumbs up sign c) he tells him not to worry
13. What do you think is Santa's work?   a) cleaning the chimney b) bringing presents to little children c) bringing the Christmas tree
14. What is the last thing Santa shouts? a) good-night b) Happy New Year c) Merry Christmas


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