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 Auntie Marcia's Christmas Pudding 

Thanks to Hilary, Rome, 17th December 2003

6 oz flour 
3 oz sugar 
1/2 teapoon mixed spice 
1/4 teaspoon of grated nutmeg 
2 oz breadcrumbs 
4 oz butter or margarine 
grated rind of 1 orange 
1 lbs 8 oz dried fruits (sultanas, raisins, currants) a few drops of vanilla and almond essence 
1 teaspoon of lemon jus 
3 eggs 

Mix all ingredients together, stir well and leave overnight if possible. Place in one large or two smaller basins and cover securely with greased greaseproof paper and a cloth or foil. Steam or boil for 6-8 hours. Cool.
Remove wet coverings. When cold put on dry cover. 

Steam for 2 hours on Christmas Day. To prevent the top of pudding becoming too wet, it is a good idea to make flour and water paste. 
Mix about 200g flour with enough water to make a firm dough and roll into a round the size of the top of the basin. Place this mixture over greaseproof paper on the pudding; cover with more greaseproof paper, then cook.

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Data di composizione di questa  pagina: 17 dicembre 2003

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