You need
en corkstopper
yarn - white or what you like
knitting needles, here 3,5 mm
silk ribbon, silkribbon,tulleorotherwisesuitable
forwings gold wire(forgiftwrapping) glue scissors needle andthread stockinette5-6p
off andsewtogether. You canknit arow
of holesorweaveathreadinsordecorativefinish.
CO 15-18 sts
row 1: p
row 2: k
make 5-6 rows stockinette (neasure lenghth on the stopper) BO and
join the dress.
You may knit a row with holes or weave in a
controst colour.
Halocan be made inseveralways. F
1. If
the gold threadisstiffenough,
it canbe made asyou
see in thephoto above
2. chain 10-12and bindtogether to formring.Put on orglued to the
3. Tie aring withthe golden thread
Halonumber1is put onas shown,
Pull the dressupand keep it will keep the haloin place
Make the wings and fix on the dress. Cut
any extra thread.
The hair can be done in several ways -
find ideas here.