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 "Snowball" ....

snebold1.JPG (27930 byte)


You need:

  • a white sheet of paper

  • a pencil

  • a pencil sharpener

  • scissors

  • glue

  • sewing thread (you won't see the thread when hanging up if you use black)

  • ....and a glass (to make circles!)

snebold4.JPG (23896 byte)
1. Cut out 10 cicels. 
A normal glass with 3" in diameter will be good .
2. Make 8 cuts so that there's about 1" from one cut to the cut of the opposite site. 

snebold5.JPG (15941 byte)

snebold6.JPG (77717 byte)
3. Twist the paper around the point of the pencil, see picture 2 and 3. 
Fix with glue, keep firmly  for a couple of seconds, take out the pencil and make the other point.
4. Make 10 Stars in this way.
snebold7.JPG (30227 byte) snebold8.JPG (30440 byte)
5. Put a drop of glue in the centre of four of the stars. Put one upon the other and keep the last (without glue) firmly with the pencil, press the pencil..   6. Make the second part in the same way.
snebold9.JPG (41718 byte)

7. Put some glue on the two half parts, put the thread into the glue and keep firmly until fixed.



A speciel 
to Janne from Vestfold in Norway,
who made this snowball and sent me!

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to Natale - Christmas

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This page was translated 23 November 2008 from the Danish page which was made  20 November 2005

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