Christmas Card - 2006

I prepare my own greeting cards every year.
This year I collectes "teabags", because I wanted to use them in some
way... actually I didn't really know how to use them, but suddently the idea
just was there!
You need:
board card in different colours
felt tips What to do: Cut
away the white border of the teabags
Fold into squares (big and small - use up the paper)
Fold small Christmas trees (see photos)
Stick on the cards!
cut away the border ...
and make squares
fold into triangles.
Make many trees
Stick on the cards....
draw the trunks.
write your greetings!

I also made some gift tags! You can add
a little button on the top of the tree

to index
to Natale - Christmas
This page was translated 23
November 2008 from the Danish page which was made