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Christmas Card
made with my 5th grade 2005...

We needed:

  1. board

  2. tapestry needles

  3. green yarn and/or other colours if you like

  4. orange peel to make the balls and the candles


Draw a tree on the board, and cut out. The childfren can now prepare the boards drawing around the borders - or let them draw a simple drawing

We created a frame too.
Put the board on a piece of
wave board (from boxes) and make holes - distance about 0.3".
The first round.... the second round.... ....finished!!
Then we added the balls made of dried orange peel. Fantsay! Made on their own at home!
How to make the balls:

You need:

  1. an apple-core knife 

  2. peel

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This page was translated 23 November 2008 from the Danish page which was made 9 dicembre 2005

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