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Ball with Sparklers

Christmas 2003

IM002776.JPG (426630 byte) You need:

a ball of polysterene
small glass beads
long beads
starformed sparklers - or what you can find

On each pin you put 

1. a little glass bead
2. a sparkler
 3. a long beads
4. then fix in the ball

IM002778.JPG (427134 byte)

IM002780.JPG (419598 byte)

...5. continue until the ball is covered!


kuglemstjerner.JPG (49040 byte)

My balls were on the Christmas tree the first year.... then I moved them into a window where the sun comes... try and you'll get a wonderful effect of colours on you wall when the sun shines!

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to Natale - Christmas

This pages was translated 23 November 2008 from the Danish page which was made: 16 December 2003

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