Groundhog's Day 2nd
February |
Groundhog Day is a legend.
legend comes from Germany, Austria and England
where the people predicted
the length of winter by hibernating animals.
In USA it is
believed that the groundhog comes out of his burrow.
If the sun is
he sees his shadow it means
that there will be six more weeks of winter
If it is cloudy,
the groundhog cannot see his shadow,
so he
will come out and that is a sign of an early spring.
This is not a scientific fact!
Some facts
The woodchuck, or groundhog, is one of the best
known wild mammals in America,
but few realize this rodent is a member of the Squirrel Family.
Its common name, woodchuck, is an anglicized corruption of an Indian
name for this species.
The origin of its other name, groundhog,
is obvious from the animal's squat appearance,
waddling gait and habit of living in the ground.
If Candlemas be fair and bright,
Winter has another flight.
If Candlemas brings clouds and rain,
Winter will not come again.
If Candlemas Day is bright and clear,
There'll be two winters in the year. |
from the United States:
If the sun shines on Groundhog Day;
Half the fuel and half the hay. |
Grazie a Marina, gennaio 2004.
"Candelora dell'inverno semo fora,
ma se piove e tira vento,
dell'inverno semo drento"! |
Tongue Twister
How Much Wood?
How much wood
Would a woodchuck chuck
If a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A woodchuck would chuck
All the wood he could chuck
If a woodchuck could chuck wood.
by Robert Louis Stevenson |
Groundhog, popping up today.
Groundhog, Groundhog, can you play?
If you see your shadow, hide away.
If there is no shadow, you can stay.
Groundhog, Groundhog, popping up today.
Groundhog, Groundhog, can you play? |