Row,Row, Row Your Boat

Row, Row Your Boat
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream! |
One by one:
In the gym, in the corridor or in the class room.
Children sit on the floor.
"Ready, steady, GO!"
While they sing the song, they "row down the stream"
(across the classroom), moving their legs as if they were walking with
Who arrives first is the winner.
Carpet Boating:
You need a floor where the children can slide.
You need a carpet square or a towel for each child.
Children put the carpet on the floor.
Let them sit on the carpet with their feet extended out in front and their
knees bent.
Show yourself how they can pull themselves forward with their feet. Try to
let them "row" with their arms as well.
"Ready, steady, GO!"... and while you all sing "Row, row, row
your boat", the game goes on.
Who arrives first is the winner.
In couples:
In the gym, in the corridor or in the classroom.
Let the children sit in front of each other, two by two.
Let their feet
touch each other and let them hold each other's hands.
While they sing, they wave.