little snowmen Hold up five fingers
On a winter's day---Wiggle thumb.
The first one said, Clap hands.
"Wake up, so we can play."
The second one said, Wiggle
pointer finger.
"Let's stomp on the ground." Stromp on ground.
The third one said, Wiggle middle finger.
"Let's roll all around." Roll hands over one another.
The fourth one said, Wiggle
ring finger.
"Let's run and run and run" Run in place.
The fifth one said, Wiggle pinkie.
"I'm afraid I feel the sun." Shake head; circle hands above
head for sun.
"Oh dear,"cried
the snowmen, Look up toward the sky.
As they looked toward the sky. Hold up hand showing five fingers.
And the five melting snowment Wave good-bye as you sink to the ground.
Waved a fond good-bye.